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Idiot (5.96 MB)
from Live at Thee Parkside, March 6, 2009

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(Just hold your nose.)

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« Brand New | Main | Punk Times - Thrillhouse Saturday 2/16/08 »

February 08, 2008

Record Release Repeat

Our two new records have been out for a month or so, but we never had a proper "record release show" to celebrate this fact. Neither did our friends Kreamy 'Lectric Santa, who have their own new record as well.

This sad state of affairs will soon be rectified by a show we're both playing at Thrillhouse Records on Saturday, February 16, 2008. We'll even somewhat uncharacteristically have some merch with us for your purchasing pleasure. Especially check out KLS's record, each one packaged with its own magnifying glass with which to read the fine print.

Thrillhouse is located on Mission St. near 30th St. in San Francisco. Thrillhouse shows start pretty early, 7pm or so for real, not just "punk time." Admission is free, but a donation would be nice, especially on behalf of touring band Pterodacdudes, up from SoCal.