Random Action

Erick drinks it dry...with his mind!
Erick drinks it dry...with his mind!

Random Sound

Potential (5.44 MB)
from Live at Thee Parkside, March 6, 2009

Music Video

Music Video for Down! on our MySpace page.
(Just hold your nose.)

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January 11, 2009

Sweet Adeline

Well, expectations for the Gilman Show last night were very low, and I'm happy to say we surpassed them. The Measure [SA] from New Jersey/Brooklyn/Tampa(?!) made their cross-country trip worthwhile. PDXers reading this on 11 Jan 2009, check them out at Mafia House tonight with Drunken Boat!

Back here in the Bay Area, OFR eagerly anticipates the next show, with old pals (Blonde Ambition), friends we haven't met yet (Landlord), and the intriguingly named Schlitz Claiborne. But why tell when you can show?

I've seen lots of bands at this place since they started up last summer, and it's always a great time. We're really excited to finally get our chance to play here, too. Not to mention playing a little ping-pong in the garage between bands.

Also...it will be show-organizer Julia's birthday. I can't promise cake and ice cream, but you never know.