Random Action

We drink with our minds.
We drink with our minds.

Random Sound

Veal (1.45 MB)
from Two Minutes’ Enlightenment

Music Video

Music Video for Down! on our MySpace page.
(Just hold your nose.)

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by e-mail

Paul Curran

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Erick Lyle

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Steve Funyon

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by web

Our website

You're already here.

My Space

Seems like everyone else is already there.

by post

Paul Curran

P.O. Box 190054
San Francisco, CA
94119-0054 U.S.A.

Erick Lyle

PO Box 40272
San Francisco, CA
94140 U.S.A.

Steve Funyon

855 Burnett Ave. #9
San Francisco, CA
94131 U.S.A.