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January 06, 2008
Brand New
We ended 2007 on a pretty high note, putting out two new records and taking a week to tour the Pacific Northwest. The tour was incredibly fun, roaming hither and yon with our pals Tulsa. Just about every show was super intense and exciting; wonder why we can't ever seem to get it going in Arcata....
About the records, they're as follows:
1. "Another Chorus for the Hearts That Broke Before Us" - a split 7" with Future Virgins (ex-Sexy and Jack Palance Band) featuring two new songs from each band. The title is an excellent lyric from FV song "Fireships." The limited edition blue vinyl version is especially striking. Check it out at 1-2-3-4 Go! Records.
2. "Perfect Evolution." - Over 5 billion years in the making: our epic 7" concept record! Seven new songs served up with Mike Leslie's stunning artwork. Co-released with Thrillhouse Records, who may still have a few copies buried in the basement's mosh pit.
We're taking a little break now while Erick tours with Black Rainbow, but allegedly have a show coming up at Thrillhouse on February 16, 2008. More details as I get them.