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September 15, 2009

OFR Tour 2009!

I waited as long as possible to post this, to include as much information as possible about all show locations. Alas, things being what they are, and because Mrs. McCloskey ain't a good scout, a lot of the venues are houses at risk of being shut down by law enforcement, etc. The key is, for any of the cities below where it says "house tba" just figure we'll be at the house that does shows in that city. Or if you're lucky, ONE of the houses that does shows.

We'll also be following the Twitters* and the MySpaces † and who knows what all. And, uh, posting? Come explain all this newfangled technology to us at any or all of the following places:

Sept 21 (Mon)
Chattanooga @ Anarchtica
w/ This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, ADDC, Stupid Party, Bad Blood

Sept 22 (Tue)
Athens, GA @ The Hanger
w/ Stupid Party, Bad Blood, Witches

Sept 23 (Wed)
Asheville, NC @ 288 Deaverview (house)
w/ Stupid Party, Bad Blood, Tent City Rollers

Sept 24 (Thur)
Wash, D.C. @ Black Cat
w/ Screaming Females

Sept 25 (Fri)
Philly @ The Barbery
w/ forgetters, Amateur Party

Sept 26 (Sat)
New Brunswick, NJ @ house tba
w/ Stupid Party, Bad Blood

Sept 27 (Sun)
Brooklyn, NY @ The Silent Barn
w/ forgetters, Stupid Party, Bad Blood, Wrd Wthr

Sept 28 (Mon)
Pittsburgh, PA @ tba
w/Confidence Men

Sept 29 (Tue)
Athens, OH @ tba
w/ Snarla, Delay

Sept 30 (Wed)
Columbus, OH @ 15th House (369 E. 15th Ave)
w/ Cruddy, The Read, Haywire Desire

Oct 1 (Thur)
Chicago, IL @ tba
w/Canadian Rifle, The Terribles

Oct 2 (Fri)
Milwaukee, WI @ a house(2650 N. Richards St.)
w/ The Terribles, Cruddy, Holy Shit, The Murder Trees

Oct 3 (Sat)
Minneapolis, MN @ house tba
w/ Dirtyard

Oct 4 (Sun)
Duluth, MN @ Bohemia Arts
w/ Cruddy, The Undesirables, The Delaneys, The Brothers Band

Oct 5 (Mon)
Minot, ND @ Pangea House
w/ Holy Smokes Father

Oct 7 (Wed)
Seattle, WA @ FBK house
w/ Revivr, Snuggle

Oct 8 (Thur)
Portland, OR @ The No
w/ The Estranged, Desconocidos

Oct 10 (Sat)
San Francisco, CA @ tba
w/ Year One, Dirty Marquee, Fleabag

Oct 12 (Mon)
Oakland, CA @ Purple House
w/ Al Scorch

If you come to all of the shows listed above, and you're not actually in the van with us, at the last show we'll all shake your hand!

* - Yes we Twitter: http://twitter.com/onionflavored
† - Alas, we MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/onionflavoredrings