Random Action

We’ll see you again, May 25, 2006.<br>(STL 8/1/05)
We’ll see you again, May 25, 2006.
(STL 8/1/05)

Random Sound

Quantum Physics (1.32 MB)
from Used To It

Music Video

Music Video for Down! on our MySpace page.
(Just hold your nose.)

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March 10, 2007

Thrillhouse, Monday March 12, 2007

It's been a while, but we're ready for our first show of 2007. And we're glad to finally be getting our chance to play at Thrillhouse, successor to Mission Records' proud legacy of all-ages shows in an independent record store. We're also excited to play with This Is My Fist, who are short-time in the Bay Area as their scheduled move to Chicago draws near.

Thrillhouse is located on Mission Street in SF, around 30th Street. Admission is free (i.e., optional donation) and the show starts at 7pm. I can't wait!