Random Action

First show of the day, Riverview Park.<br>(Chattanooga, TN 8/4/05)
First show of the day, Riverview Park.
(Chattanooga, TN 8/4/05)

Random Sound

Quantum Physics (1.5 MB)
from Live in an Oakland Kitchen

Music Video

Music Video for Down! on our MySpace page.
(Just hold your nose.)

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May 19, 2014

Mini-Tour! Northeast US! Worcester At Last!!!

We've dreamed of a "Fall Foliage Tour" of New England for close to 10 years, and guess what: it's not happening this year, either!

But we are at long last venturing into New England as the culmination of a mini 4-stop tour of select cities in the Northeast. Here are the planned dates and locations:

May 24-25 (Sat-Sun) — Private Corporate Event by invitation only (Sorry!)
May 26 (Mon) — Philadelphia... house show? email one of us for info if you're coming!
May 27 (Tue) — Death By Audio in Brooklyn, NY; with Shellshag, Girl Crush, and Magnets
May 28 (Wed) — Worcester, MA; Distant Castle, with Gnärds, KISS Concert, and Jacob the Terrible!!!

We'll have some records, CDs, cassettes, and even T-shirts, for all you completists and dilettantes. Don't make us ship this stuff back home!