Random Action

First show of the day, Riverview Park.<br>(Chattanooga, TN 8/4/05)
First show of the day, Riverview Park.
(Chattanooga, TN 8/4/05)

Random Sound

Venus (1.54 MB)
from Yeehaw Junction

Music Video

Music Video for Down! on our MySpace page.
(Just hold your nose.)

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May 07, 2011

Do Ya Hear We!?!

After years of watching from afar, we are finally going to play at this year's Do Ya Hear We!?! fest. We've been told to report to Chattanooga, Tennessee, to play at 11pm on Saturday, June 4, 2011, and we will happily oblige.

The fest sprawls over two venues, and we're not sure which one we'll be at. Look for us at either JJ's Bohemia or Sluggo's.

There's a lot of great bands at the fest this year, and we can't wait to be there!