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October 18, 2007


Erick is back in town, and Paul will soon be back from his Asian odyssey: our hiatus draws to a close. Not that we haven't been busy. There's only about a hundred key details involved in releasing a record, and we've got at least two releases coming up in the near future.

The first one is a split 7" with the Future Virgins (a four-piece blend of Jack Palance Band and Sexy). It should be out in time for The Fest where FV (but not OFR) will be playing.

We also have an OFR 7" in the works, jam-packed with everything else we've been working on since Two Minutes' Englightenment. If you got our demo tape/CD during our spring tour of the Pacific NW, you've gotten a taste, but we re-recorded everything since then, and it's shaping up to be a record we're really excited about releasing.

And finally, we'll be playing a show at Thrillhouse (Mission & 30th St. in SF) in early December. More details as they become available....