« Thrillhouse, Friday 7/20/2007 | Main | The Hiatus That's Greatest »
July 20, 2007
Attention: Wizards!
It turns out tonight's show at Thrillhouse is Harry Potter themed. Dress in costume if you want.
The show is set to start early, around 6pm, with the following bands:
Hey Girl
Congo Condo (from TX) (sorry if I misspelled it)
I'm A Fucking Gymnast (from Los Angeles)
Future Adults
Thrillhouse is a record store in San Francisco, on Mission Street near 30th Street. You'll recognize it by the fire-breathing Godzilla figure over the front door. The show is in the basement, which is accessed from the back of the building after you walk down a narrow alley. Usually, I'd recommend you "look for punks" but tonight maybe look for wizards and such.
In fact, the show is set to wrap up by 9:30, plenty of time to get in line for the new Harry Potter book coming out... midnight, I guess. As you may expect, I don't really keep up on such things. Not into it all, really. But no matter, as I was also assured: Muggles welcome, too.