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Where’s the arch? (STL 8/1/05)
Where’s the arch? (STL 8/1/05)

Random Sound

Inconclusive (1.72 MB)
from Two Minutes’ Enlightenment

Music Video

Music Video for Down! on our MySpace page.
(Just hold your nose.)

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Two Minutes’ Enlightenment

Two Minutes’ Enlightenment

 1. Inconclusive MP3 | w/Lyrics
 2. Man Without a Heart MP3 | w/Lyrics
 3. Virginities MP3 | w/Lyrics
 4. Veal MP3 | w/Lyrics
 5. Venus MP3 | w/Lyrics
 6. Positively Treat Street MP3 | w/Lyrics
 7. To the Grave MP3 | w/Lyrics
 8. Down! MP3 | w/Lyrics
 9. Hard to Tell MP3 | w/Lyrics
10. Two Minutes’ Enlightenment MP3 | w/Lyrics
11. 12:05 Tonight (No Jacket Required) MP3 | w/Lyrics
12. Laughin’ MP3 | w/Lyrics
(Links open into new player windows. Lyrics are included.)

Recorded in Alameda, CA, by the great Bart Thurber, a.k.a., House of Faith. Our first try at recording (with Craigums at the new Dutch oven) just didn’t work out; we started over from scratch with Bart.

Yeehaw Junction

Yeehaw Junction (7”)

 1. Down! MP3 | w/Lyrics
 2. Venus MP3 | w/Lyrics
 3. Virginities MP3 | w/Lyrics
 4. Positively Treat Street (Bonus) MP3 | w/Lyrics
(Links open into new player windows. Lyrics are included.)

The first three songs were our side of a split-7” with Bitchin’. The fourth song didn’t fit, and ended up on a compilation which none of us ever got a copy of. We all recorded on the same day, after a short tour together to raise the money for the time at Rob McGregor’s studio in Gainesville. Sadly, this may be Bitchin’s last recording.

The packaging includes an amazing six-color hand-screened cover (done by Caroline Paquita from Bitchin’) chock full of Floridiana. Look for the machine gun toting dolphin, Caroline stabbing Jeb Bush in the neck, and Iggy and Fidel gazing upon it all from Cuba. The record itself was pressed on a veritable rainbow of colored vinyl. Mine’s green.

Used To It

Used To It

 1. I Kill Butterflies MP3 | w/Lyrics
 2. Idiot MP3 | w/Lyrics
 3. Quantum Physics MP3 | w/Lyrics
 4. Remarkable MP3 | w/Lyrics
 5. Addiction MP3 | w/Lyrics
 6. Live the Chaos, pt. II MP3 | w/Lyrics
 7. Broken Promises MP3 | w/Lyrics
 8. Contrary Heart MP3 | w/Lyrics
 9. Used To It MP3 | w/Lyrics
10. Mummy MP3 | w/Lyrics
11. Over, It’s Over MP3 | w/Lyrics
12. No Indian Cry MP3 | w/Lyrics
13. “Nice” Butterflies MP3 | w/Lyrics
(Links open into new player windows. Lyrics are included.)

We recorded this one in San Jose, CA, in Joe’s garage. Joe’s left San Jose since then, and we aren’t too keen to return, either.


Show at Thee Parkside, 3/6/09

 1. Funny MP3 | w/Lyrics
 2. Lucky Little Brother MP3 | w/Lyrics
 3. Gurgle and Coup MP3 | w/Lyrics
 4. Idiot MP3 | w/Lyrics
 5. Virginities MP3 | w/Lyrics
 6. Parallel MP3 | w/Lyrics
 7. Crawl Out of Chaos MP3 | w/Lyrics
 8. Running Away MP3 | w/Lyrics
 9. Up and Down MP3 | w/Lyrics
10. Potential MP3 | w/Lyrics
11. Fug You MP3 | w/Lyrics
12. Broken Promises MP3 | w/Lyrics
(Link opens into a new player window.)

There are some new and as yet unrecorded songs here; this is one of our last shows before recording in May. We sound...if not exactly great, at least a little better than we thought we sounded. Thanks for the files, Jon Logan!


Show at Burnt Ramen, 9/23/05

 1. Show at Burnt Ramen (33MB!) MP3 | w/Lyrics
(Link opens into a new player window.)

This is a pretty high-quality recording, taken straight from the board at Burnt Ramen. It was a benefit show and we ended up right in the middle of a bill spanning from metal to bluegrass. This may help explain “jokes” about our name’s being “Introverted Crucifix” and “Penta Gramma”. Okay, it doesn’t really explain it. Still, Paul gets off the best line, describing a song’s meter as “iambic pentagrameter” (at about the 5 minute mark).


Show at 924 Gilman Street, 1/17/04

 1. Butterflies MP3 | w/Lyrics
 2. Inconclusive MP3 | w/Lyrics
 3. Veal MP3 | w/Lyrics
 4. Two Minutes’ Enlightenment MP3 | w/Lyrics
 5. Down MP3 | w/Lyrics
 6. Venus MP3 | w/Lyrics
 7. Man Without a Heart MP3 | w/Lyrics
 8. Virginities MP3 | w/Lyrics
 9. Idiot MP3 | w/Lyrics
10. Live the Chaos, pt. II MP3 | w/Lyrics
11. Quantum Physics/Remarkable medley MP3 | w/Lyrics
(Link opens into a new player window. Lyrics are included.)

Another high-quality recording, this time courtesy of Paul Curran’s handy mini-disc recorder. You can also get the whole flippin’ show (28MB), complete with between songs gabbing and assorted drama. (19 MP3 files total.)

Paul also recorded sets by Wrangler Brutes and Orphans. (Not available for download here, but contact us if you’re interested in getting them.)


Live in an Oakland Kitchen

 1. Remarkable MP3 | w/Lyrics
 2. Butterflieses MP3 | w/Lyrics
 3. Quantum Physics MP3 | w/Lyrics
 4. Live the Chaos, pt. II MP3 | w/Lyrics
 5. Broken Promises MP3 | w/Lyrics
 6. Down! MP3 | w/Lyrics
 7. Venus MP3 | w/Lyrics
 8. Mummy MP3 | w/Lyrics
 9. Two Minutes’ Enlightenment MP3 | w/Lyrics
10. Over, It’s Over MP3 | w/Lyrics
11. Virginities MP3 | w/Lyrics
12. Addiction MP3 | w/Lyrics
13. Idiot MP3 | w/Lyrics
14. Used To It MP3 | w/Lyrics
(Links open into new player windows. Lyrics are included.)

Probably from a party. At first, we thought we were going to play in the backyard, but the residents were worried about neighbor complaints. So we crammed into the kitchen with around 20 people, and someone turned on a tape recorder. Most of the between-song talking is omitted, but this decision is not final. Of course, the “heart vs. kill Butterflies” debate is included.

Please, no complaints about sound quality! This is digitized from a cassette. Plus it was an acoustically imperfect kitchen.